M6 Motorway, UK Junctions 1 to 3

Let's take an aerial tour of the M6. In the first installment, we'll be joining the M6 at Catthorpe (J19 of the M1), then on to Coventry. This is a distance of 13 miles - https://goo.gl/maps/p07AU.

Now Google Earth Pro is free for all, there are tremendous opportunities to create HD Movies using this technique. My aim here, to learn myself, make something of value. One addition I 've not used, Live Traffic..

roadrailriverair twitter logo
I'm sure as I work along the M6, each video will be different. After all, the M6 is 232 miles long, so that's eighteen videos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M6_motorway | There are so many ways a video like this could be used: journey planning, keeping the kids busy en route, road safety education and of course fun.

Please provide feedback as this is all a work in progress.

google.com/+mikedownes or mikedownesmedia@gmail.com

Created this gif from a clip near the end of the video (my channel is gif enabled, so anyone can have a go, from the youtube watch page, SHARE, then GIF).. note, what I did not know, clicking the gif takes you to the video at youtube..
